This book is a ready-to-apply-or-to-be-adapted company operation manual based on LAQLSystems Way (LeanAgileQualityLeadership Way) – written by Prof. Aecio D’Silva from Moura Enterprises, LLC. It can be adapted-employed by any business and corporation in this world.

LeanAgileQualityLeadership Systems Way – LAQLS – is an attitude and total-quality-management-lean-agile-free-of-constraints thinking that creates a total-quality-management-lean-agile-toxic-free-workplace and leadership life-style. It enables our company to do what we have never done before, manufacture at a level that we never thought of attempting before, make possible what many think impossible, and perform jobs that are beyond the abilities and capabilities of our current processes, techniques, and systems.
LAQLSystems Way is a collection of Total Quality Management, Lean, Agile, Free of Constraints Sustainable methods and techniques defined in a set of attitudes, values, and principles. It is a response to the challenges of prospering in a business world that is accelerating volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. It is advancing and putting customers-center-first, respect for people, constant improvement, agility, elimination wastes-constraints, and environmental and social excellence. To succeed in implementing LAQLSystems Way, everyone in the organization must have total determination, participation, and commitment.
This handbook is not simply a hint of what can be an operating manual for a company, but a ready-to-go or ready-to-be-adapted company operation leadership manual. It’s like you were hired by a company and were told “this is our manual or the way we do business and operate in this company. Read, learn, and put into practice immediately what you are assimilating and understanding”.
In this handbook/manual, Prof. D’Silva teaches how to build, have, be, sustain and lead a company driven by LAQLSystems. How to continuously improve and generate more value for the customers and have soaring creativity in the workplace (which we call “batente”). In other words, how to lead a company moved by continuous customers-center-first, waste elimination, and improvement!
In such a company, LeanAgileQualityLeadership Way is more than anything, an attitude. It means thinking positively, critically, creatively, systemically, and agilely. It also means putting customers in the center and first in everything, respecting people, continuously improving, eliminating waste, and having the right mindset. It is doing the right thing right, at the lowest cost, at the first time, with high efficiency, zeroing emissions, minimizing the use of the Earth’s limited resources, passionate about quality, and always transforming and innovating with sustainability. It is how to create a work environment where everyone has an obsession to always exceed customer satisfaction.
This book challenges everyone in the company in the sphere of leadership. It shows how old styles of command-and-control are old as dinosaurs and a thing of the past, except for obsolete organizations. But LAQLSystems takes self-empowerment to new levels and challenges traditional beliefs about what leadership really means. (Liz Ryan. 2016)
From this point on, you are going to read this book as an all-set company handbook/manual. It shows how to have full commitment to the constancy of purpose and never trade quality for short-term profits. It instructs how to create a culture of high-quality, quality control, continuous quality improvement, and sustainable continuous quality innovation for and from the customers’ viewpoint.