Category: Coronal Mass Ejections

The Silent Storm: Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Impact on Modern Society

When the Sun Reaches Out: Understanding Coronal Mass Ejections
Prof. Aécio D’Silva, Ph.D
In the vastness of space, the Sun’s wrath extends far beyond its fiery surface, sending shockwaves that challenge our technological resilience on Earth.
The Sun, a seemingly constant source of light and life, harbors a dynamic and turbulent nature. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are particularly significant among its many solar activities due to their potential to disrupt our technologically dependent society.
The Power Grid Under Siege – The Invisible Threat to Our Electrical Lifeline
CMEs pose a serious threat to electrical power grids worldwide. These massive bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields can induce geomagnetic storms capable of distorting Earth’s magnetic field. This distortion can generate damaging electrical currents in power lines, transformers, and other electrical grid components, leading to widespread power outages.

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