- 1 AquaBioPonics Bioflocs Systems – ABPBS
- 2 More Fish and Vegetables, Less Space, Less Water, and Less Feed
- 3 by Aecio D’Silva, PhD
- 4 AquaBioPonics Bioflocs versus BFT
- 5 AquaBioPonics Bioflocs
- 6 What is Bioflocs Technology anyway?
- 7 Overcoming the Challenges of Increasing Fish and Shrimp Production
- 8 AquaBioPonics Bioflocs – ABPBT
- 9 Delivering Concrete Solutions
- 10 AquaBioPonics Bioflocs – Results We Got!
- 11 AquaBioPonics Bioflocs and Probiotics
- 12 Enhanced AquaBioPonics Bioflocs Systems
- 13 Implementing AquaBioPonics Bioflocs in Northeast Brazil
AquaBioPonics Bioflocs Systems – ABPBS
More Fish and Vegetables, Less Space, Less Water, and Less Feed
by Aecio D’Silva, PhD
Thanks for the review made by Dr. John Kyndt, PhD, Bellevue University, Nebraska
AquaBioPonics Bioflocs Systems – ABPBS – is a biomimicry & biotechnological Innovative integrated food production system developed by Prof. Aecio D’Silva that synergistically combines aquaculture + bioflocs + algae culture + hydroponics + rainwater harvest + beneficial microbes + vermiculture + organic land gardening + small livestock + wind and solar power + biofertilizers and other components to produce high-quality organic food.
Recently, AquaBioPonics Systems efficiency strongly improved when Bioflocs Technology – BFT – and Metagenomic analysis were added as water quality management techniques. This article describes how-why this innovation happened.
AquaBioPonics Bioflocs & Metagenomic analysis
Metagenomic analysis – MTA – is a relatively new environmental sequencing approach used to examine thousands of organisms in parallel and comprehensively sample all genes, providing insight into community biodiversity and function. It is defined as the direct genetic analysis of genomes contained with an environmental sample. It involves the application of bioinformatics tools to study the genetic material from environmental, uncultured microorganisms. MTA uses Next-generation sequencing of 16S rRNA that allows the evaluation of bacterial diversity and the detection of thousands of organisms. (1)
AquaBioPonics Biofloc applies MTA as an innovative genetic tool that allows Identification, classification, and quantitation of microbes and bacteria within complex biological mixtures, as well as comprehensively sequence and analyzes all genetic material in fish growing water samples. It gives a systemic vision of all microorganisms present in the ABPBS environment. This advanced bioinformatics technique is an extremely valuable means to boost AquaBioPonics Bioflocs performance.
AquaBioPonics Bioflocs versus BFT
In practical terms what differentiates AquaBioPonics Bioflocs from just BFT is the addition of vegetables + other production structures in a bioflocs aquaculture scheme, as well as the use of new applied metagenomic analysis techniques to identify and enhance good bacteria populations. AquaBioPonics Bioflocs technology applies a completely scientific basis for the cultivation of fish, algae, and vegetables. The scientific robustness, ease of use, and systematic integration of each component will undoubtedly widen its use elsewhere on the planet.
AquaBioPonics Bioflocs
What is Bioflocs Technology anyway?
BFT is an innovative aquaculture waste treatment system first described in Israel by Professor Yoram Avnimelech (Yoram) of Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel (2). Realistically speaking, it transforms/makes ponds/tanks/raceways operate like biotechnological reactors.
BFT systems were implemented to improve environmental conditions and the control of the overproduction of pollutants. As you will see later on in more detail, it uses probiotics plus carbonaceous sources added to highly mixed and aerated water. The water used to grow fish has zero or very limited exchange. This aquatic environment converts fish waste into high-quality bacterial protein (bioflocs) as a result of optimized microbial activity. Since mixing and aeration are common characteristics of the biotechnological industry, Biofloc technology is one promising application of aquaculture biotechnology.
BFT can be implemented in any area but is extremely suitable for regions where: (a) water is scarce; (b) the land is expensive: (c) and/or is aimed at reducing feed expenses, effluent disposal (zero-emission) and disease control (pathogens). BFT provides a healthy aquatic environment and, thus, more cost-effective production for intensive forms of aquaculture.
Therefore, there are noticeably robust economic advantages for an aquaculture company to adopt BFT technology. Among several other advantages, this will make any aqua-business more efficient using productive inputs and effluent management. This innovation is especially achieved if one can target the following production components: the most expensive (feed); the most limiting (water and land); the most damaging (spread of diseases); and the biggest threat to the environment (effluent discharge of nitrates). (2)(3)
Overcoming the Challenges of Increasing Fish and Shrimp Production
It is fully recognized that the major operational challenges faced by increasing production of farmed fish and shrimp are: (a) to implement reliable solutions to reduce water consumption and maximize their use and reuse; (b) to reduce the introduction and dissemination of infectious organisms within or between populations (disease outbreaks); caused by the buildup of toxic ammonia; (c) to find enough adequate land; (d) and to treat and manage the discharge of fish farming effluents of nitrates into the environment. BFT is a powerful weapon to overcome these hurdles.
In addition, semi-intensive aquaculture production in small lakes or ponds requires large or substantial volumes of water. Approximately 10 million liters of water per hectare are needed to fill a pond and an equivalent volume is needed to compensate for evaporation and infiltration during one year. On the other hand, recirculation aquaculture (RAS) systems require normally expensive water treatment devices to remove sedimentable, suspended, floating, and dissolved pollutants from circulating waters. (4)
In the case of conventional aquaculture production in small lakes or ponds, with an annual yield of 5,000 kilos of fish per hectare (which can release 250 kg to 350 kg ammonia), approximately 1000 liters of water per kilo production of Fish are required. In many parts of the world, semi-intensive aquaculture production in small lakes or ponds, as well as RAS, is not possible due to the shortage of water, unavailability of enough adequate land or lack of funding for these types of Aquaculture.
Bioflocs aquaculture production systems can offer an alternative to aquaculture and RAS aquaculture technologies. BFT systems with the versatility to perform in-tank water treatment use far less water and investment than semi-intensive aquaculture and RAS to produce similar or higher yields. Because BFT systems often use tanks for aquaculture production, substantially less land is required.
From the viewpoint of disease, that caused by Streptococcus sp. and viruses can decimate any Tilapia operation. In shrimp farming, white spot syndrome (WSS) is a viral infection of penaeid shrimp. The disease is highly lethal and contagious, killing shrimp quickly and massively. In addition, effluents generated in aquaculture facilities and discharged into local water environments may result in low oxygen levels and increased sediment, as well as, nutrient loading. Thereby, potentially damaging local fauna and flora. BFT is an efficient technique to overcome these obstacles.

AquaBioPonics Bioflocs – ABPBT
Delivering Concrete Solutions
While at first look, AquaBioPonics Bioflocs Technology may seem to be using some counter-intuitive approaches, ABPBT delivers four critical solutions— (a) reducing-eliminating exchange of water used to grow fish; (b) recycling wastes from feeding; (c) increasing biosecurity by controlling harmful pathogens from the aquatic environment; (d) providing natural nutrition from floc intake.
Recent studies also show that Bioflocs can be collected from culture systems, dried and added as a component to pelleted aquaculture feeds, substituting 2/3 of fish meal and 100 percent of plant components. However, the economic feasibility of employing flocs as a dried feed constituent demands more research. (5)
ABPBT systems can operate with low water replacement rates or no replacement at all. Our AquaBioPonics Bioflocs projects have only been compensating for evaporation loss, plus 1-2 hours of flushing water used to grow fish on a weekly basis.
ABPBT – Ammonia Control
A major goal of water quality management in any aquatic animal production system is maintaining the ammonia concentration below toxic levels. In ABPBT systems, there are three main processes that control ammonia— algal uptake, bacterial assimilation (heterotrophic bacteria), and nitrification. To maximize these processes, balancing input C:N ratio (> 10:1) is the major management strategy for ammonia control in bioflocs systems. (3)
As described in (2): “By this manipulation, heterotrophic bacteria create a demand for nitrogen (as ammonia) because organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen are generally taken up in a fixed ratio that reflects the composition and requirement of bacterial cells. Thus, ammonia can be controlled by adding organic carbon to stimulate the growth of heterotrophic bacteria”.
A fish food with a 30 to 35 percent protein concentration has a relatively low C:N ratio, about 9:1 to 10:1. Increasing the C:N ratio of inputs to 12:1 to 15:1 favors the heterotrophic pathway for ammonia control. The low C:N ratio of feed can be augmented by adding supplemental materials with a high C:N ratio like cane sugars, molasses, cereal, and root flours.
Increasing the C:N ratio of inputs to 12: 1 or 15: 1 favors the heterotrophic pathway for ammonia control. As you will see below, we have achieved a high efficiency of AquaBioPonics Bioflocs using a commercially available mix of probiotics.
Table 1 – According to Hargreaves, J. A. (3). These are the advantages and disadvantages (modified) of BFT when compared to semi-intensive ponds and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). A slash indicates an advantage of bioflocs systems compared to most ponds or RAS. (We removed some disadvantages cited by (2) as not verified in our operations).
Advantages | PONDS | RAS |
Improved biosecurity | / | |
Improved feed conversion | / | / |
Improved water use efficiency | / | |
Increased land-use efficiency | / | |
Improved water quality control | / | |
Reduced sensitivity to light fluctuations (weather) | / |
Disadvantages | PONDS | RAS |
Increased energy requirement for mixing and aeration | / | / |
Reduced response time because water respiration rates are elevated | / | / |
Alkalinity supplementation required | / |
AquaBioPonics Bioflocs – Results We Got!
Based on results (data) accomplished so far in our fish farms, AquaBioPonics Bioflocs have been shown to be highly efficient aquaculture biotechnology systems, especially for high-density Tilapia culture integrated with vegetable production. It is a Biomimicry, & Biological farming for Innovative Aquaculture-Hydroponics Entrepreneurship. However, it is not for the amateur. One needs to know what he/she is doing. Intensive training is mandatory and irreplaceable to succeeding in ABPBS projects.

Returning to our results, our fish survival rates have reached up to 98%. Growth rates increase from 10% to 20%. Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) improved (sometimes =< 1) and Feed expenses are down up to 20%. ABPBS is a resource-efficient method to boost aquaculture. It enhances water quality, eliminates, or reduces water replacement and controls detrimental pathogens along with providing value-added production of microbial protein feed.
Bioflocs by their definition, are clustered aggregations of microbial communities such as phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, and living and dead particulate organic matter. Shrimp and Tilapia especially benefit from BFT due to their ability to filter-feed on floc in the water column, thereby reducing feed costs by improving feed conversion. (5) Thus, the most important is reducing the high expense of fish food consumption.
Many experiments have found that the addition of Bacillus species (favorable bacteria) to the fish growing water or binding to the feed of Tilapia and shrimp resulted in better growth and survival, inhibition of Vibrio (toxic bacteria) growth in the animal gut, increased protease and amylase activities, as well as positive regulation of genes related to the immune system. (7)(8).
Studies have also suggested an improvement in protein assimilation by animals raised in the BFT systems that is related to the increase in the activity of digestive proteinase in the intestinal tract. This is also observed in Tilapia farming in cages where the probiotic mix was mixed with the feed. (7)
In addition, other researches demonstrated that the reproductive performance of Nile Tilapia was also improved among broodstock raised in BFT environments. These investigations observed positive significant differences in the gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices. These enhancements are attributed to the production of both exogenous (external) digestive enzymes by microbes in the bioflocs and the endogenous (internal) digestive enzymes stimulated by the bioflocs. (8)(9)
As was describe by Yoram Avnimelech (10):
“BioFloc Technology (BFT) is based upon combining the fish and microbial communities within the same pond and should be considered as an ecosystem management technology. Metabolites excreted by the fish are treated within the pond, with no need for a separate water treatment component. A very dense microbial community develops when water exchange is limited, and organic substrates can accumulate. Typically, we find 10-1000 million microbial cells (107-108) in 1 cm3 of pond water.”
It must be emphasized that the fundamental feature needed to maintain proper conditions in such packed systems are proper aeration, mixing and identification of the bacteria population (metagenomic analyses). As it is required in a biotechnological reactor, we should strive at having the whole pond/tank/raceway at a high oxygen level and good turbulence, to reduce the bottom accumulation of solids that turn to anaerobic conditions.
AquaBioPonics Bioflocs and Probiotics
ABPBT, as every BFT-based system, needs sources of beneficial bacteria and carbonaceous materials to enhance the good bacteria in the fish-growing environment. We must control/adjust the C:N ratio in the pond/tanks/raceways to 15-20. The challenge is how to accomplish just that. One way is by adding carbonaceous materials to the water, such as brown/white sugars, molasses, starch, cassava, flours (wheat, oat, corn) and others, to adjust the C:N ratio in feeds (or in the pond) to 15-20. Of course, we should always strive for price-competitive carbonaceous resources.
Until recently, in our ABPBTS farms, we used a mix of probiotics (beneficial bacteria) plus sugars (white sugar, molasses), flours (cassava, wheat, corn, oats), yeast, and whatever cheap source of carbon that we could find.
Independent of what mix you may use, ABPB systems must have fully aeration (DO levels >= 5ppm) and highly mixed-turbulent water to keep bioflocs in suspension. This, like a biotechnological reactor, will promote protein bacteria (bioflocs) production, thus controlling ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and sludge of the ponds/tanks/raceways. The control of pH (between 7 and 8) and Alkalinity (kH => 120 mg/l as CaCO3) of the aquatic environment are also very important.
At the beginning of our ABPBT journey, although adding BFT benefits to our systems were and are outstanding, all this monitoring and controlling were very time-consuming. All the constant checking of the water quality and adding carbonaceous materials are high labor-intensive. Applying baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to manage pH, as well as, alkalinity was an almost everyday practice. To have a good bioflocs production and control all these factors we tried many different mixes and probiotics formulas either locally made or available in the market, but still had challenges almost every day. However, as will be seen below, this completely changed.
Enhanced AquaBioPonics Bioflocs Systems
One day we had a phone call with a vendor. He suggested that we test one of his company’s probiotic.** This product contains, according to its label, among other components, beneficial bacterial immunostimulants such as Bacillus pumilus, B. subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens and B. licheniformis. After we tried several probiotics and mixes without getting the promised results, honestly, we were vastly skeptical to attempt something new.
However, we decided to give it a try (with the decision that we would publish whatever results were obtained) using the PDCA Cycle (details below). PDCA is a method of testing innovation described in one of my books called Lean-Agile Quality Leadership (LAQL) (11). In every project that we connect, we also implement LAQL – a people, money, and time business-administration management practice. The LAQL handbook is based on Lean & Agile & Dr. Deming’s principles, as well as, our own experience of 35 plus years as a researcher, professor, international aquaculture developer, and consultant. (11)

For those who don’t know, LAQL Systems is grounded on seven basic pillars: Vision, Mission, Skills, Goals, Agility, Adaptability (Simplification), and Accountability. Two of its maxims or principles are customers first and never stop improving, innovating and removing waste.
As cited above, LAQL has a scientific and practical approach-method to test new ideas, products or changes called PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. PDCA is a repetitive four-stage model for continuous improvement (CI) in business process management. PDCA cycle, “Deming Wheel,” or “Deming Cycle,” was developed in the 1950s by the brilliant Dr. E. Deming, the father of systemic and transformative thinking, as well as, the quality movement. PDCA is sometimes called PDSA. Deming himself called it the “Shewhart Cycle,” as his model was based on an idea from his mentor, Walter Shewhart (11).
Following this, we selected one of our existing in full operation high-density Tilapia projects to test the performance of the product in the real-world. We applied the straight PDCA experiment during 60 days using 6 nursery circular tanks (10 cubic meters – 11,000 fish initial weight of 0.9 g ) and 6 raceways (201 cubic meters with 21,000 fish – the initial weight of 65 g ) comparing them with other tanks/raceways also in full production, but not using the probiotic. The goal was to test the product’s efficiency in generating the four critical results (cited above) in an AquaBioPonics Bioflocs system to produce bacterial proteins and control ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and sludge in circular tanks and raceways! The test farm was and is in full production of 100% ABPBS.
The outcome was beyond expectations. After 20 days of product application (with no waiting stage for maturation or carbonaceous application) following doses suggested by product directions, the total ammonia concentration in circular tanks and raceways was reduced to very low levels (=< 1.0 ppm) indicating the ammonia was transformed into microbial biomass. Nitrite, nitrate, and sludge were also all inside the safe levels. At the end of the PDCA cycle (60 days) FCR was improved, as well as the daily growing. Before, we used to have ammonia peaks of 4.0 to 8.0 ppm, as well as high nitrite levels. Bioflocs level which we called bioflocs index were daily measured using sedimentation cones (shown in figures above). Every time it went above 60 ml/liter we performed a bottom vacuuming.
Now, after alkalinity (kH) was adjusted, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) is almost always below 1.0 ppm. Another considerable difference before and after applying the product is the survival rate. Our survival index rarely reached 70% in the nursery tanks. Nowadays, we are reaching close to 99% on a regular basis both in the nursery (circular tanks) and grow-out phases (raceways). This was one of the most significant benefits of using the probiotic. Of course, it resulted in disease control, flocs food availability and a very healthy environment. In addition, metagenomics analysis showed a dominance of benefit bacteria among the water microorganism population.
The product label states it is a mixture of beneficial nutrients and bacteria. It is a probiotic formula for digesting organic sludge, improving feed conversion and reducing ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. By the way, what we present here is just an unbiased account of the innovative solution we have achieved for our challenges! The best check of what we are stating is that you talk with who knows the technology to help you test in your project on a small scale and compare “with/without” the product. This is what we did.
As long as the product continues to show the results achieved so far, we have a formula that has been proven to work to treat fish waste and create a healthy, optimized environment in AquaBioPonics Bioflocos technology. This means having biomimicry & biotechnologically innovative farming systems to boast Aquaculture Entrepreneurship yielding more fish and fresh vegetables, using less space, less water, and less feed. However, as LAQL also means never stop innovating and continually improving, there is more to come… This is the subject of the next article:
Implementing AquaBioPonics Bioflocs in Northeast Brazil
** (For more info contact us for details).
(1) Thomas T, Gilbert J, Meyer F. 2012. Metagenomics – a guide from sampling to data analysis. Microb Inform Exp. 2012;2(1):3. 2012 Feb 9. doi:10.1186/2042-5783-2-3
(2) Avnimelech, Y. (ed.). 2009. Biofloc Technology, Second Edition. World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, LA.
(3) Hargreaves, J. A. 2013. Biofloc Production Systems for Aquaculture. SRAC Publication No. 4503 April 2013.
(4) Losordo, T.M, M. P. Masser, and . J. Rakocy. 1998. Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems. An Overview of Critical Considerations. SRAC Publication No. 4503 September 1998.
(5) McGraw, B. 2016. Biofloc systems viable for tilapia production. Global Aquaculture Alliance. as accessed on Aug 27, 2019
(6) Crab, Roselien & Defoirdt, Tom & Bossier, Peter & Verstraete, Willy. (2012). Biofloc technology in aquaculture: Beneficial effects and future challenges. Aquaculture. 356-357. 351-356. 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2012.04.046.
(7) Opiyo, M.A et al. 2019. Different levels of probiotics affect growth, survival and body composition of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in low input ponds. Scientific African. Volume 4, July 2019.
(8) Ekasari J, Azhar MA, Surawidjaja EH, Nuryati S, Schryver P, Bossier P. Immune response and disease resistance of shrimp fed biofloc grown on different carbon sources. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. Volume 41, Issue 2, December 2014, Pages 332-339.
(9) Ekasari J, Zairin Jr M, Putri DU, Sari NP, Surawidjaja EH, Bossier P. Biobased reproductive performance of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L. broodstock. Aquac Res 2013:1e4.
(10) Avnimelech, Y. 2015. Biofloc technology: fifteen years of progress. as accessed on Aug 26, 2019.
(11) D’Silva, A. 2018. Lean-Agile Quality Leadership Manual. Moura Enterprises Publishing House, US. Continuous Innovation-Improvement Series, Vol I. (Book used as text-book in Environmental Management courses at Bellevue University, Nebraska)