Category: Aldehydes and DNA Damage

The Silent Aging Accelerators: Aldehydes and DNA Damage

Unveiling the Invisible Threats to Our Genetic Fountain of Youth
Prof. Aécio D’Silva, Ph.D.
Unseen and often unnoticed, aldehydes are pervasive in our environment, silently influencing the aging process by damaging our DNA. This intelligent collaborative post explores the insidious impact of these compounds and the importance of mitigating their presence in our lives for longevity and health
Aldehydes and DNA Damage – Aging is an inevitable part of life, but certain environmental factors can accelerate this process. Among these, aldehydes—a group of organic compounds found in everything from alcohol to exhaust fumes—play a surprisingly significant role. Recent research has shed light on how these compounds can induce premature aging by causing damage at the molecular level, particularly to our DNA.

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