Author: Amds

AI Revolutionizing Fish Farming Production

The Role of AI in Improving Fish Farming Production
By Aécio D’Silva, PhD
AI and Fish Farming – Fish farming is a crucial part of the food industry and plays a vital role in providing sustainable seafood to meet the demands of the growing population. However, fish farming production has been facing several challenges, including unpredictable weather patterns, disease outbreaks, and water quality management. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in revolutionizing fish farming production, addressing these challenges, and improving the overall efficiency and profitability of the industry.

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Comment l’intelligence artificielle Révolutionne le Séquençage Génomique

L’intersection entre l’intelligence artificielle et la génomique
Aecio D’Silva, Ph.D.(1), Marcelo Cordeiro, Ph.D.(2)
Intelligence artificielle et séquençage génomique –  Le séquençage génomique est devenu un outil essentiel pour comprendre et traiter diverses maladies. Il s’agit d’analyser l’ADN d’une personne pour déterminer sa constitution génétique, ce qui peut fournir des informations précieuses sur les risques possibles pour la santé et les options de traitement personnalisées. Cependant, le processus de séquençage du génome est extrêmement complexe et prend beaucoup de temps, nécessitant une grande expertise et des ressources. C’est là qu’intervient l’intelligence artificielle (IA). En tirant parti des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique et en analysant de grands ensembles de données, l’IA révolutionne le domaine du séquençage génomique et ouvre de nouvelles possibilités de recherche et de découverte.

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How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Genomic Sequencing

The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Genomics
Aécio D’Silva, Ph.D.(1), Marcelo Cordeiro, Ph.D.(2)
Artificial Intelligence and Genomics – Genomic sequencing has become a critical tool for understanding and treating various diseases. It involves the analysis of a person’s DNA to determine their genetic makeup, which can provide valuable insights into potential health risks and personalized treatment options. However, the process of sequencing a genome is incredibly complex and time-consuming, requiring significant expertise and resources. That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and big data analysis, AI is revolutionizing the field of genomic sequencing and opening up new avenues for research and discovery.

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The Benefits of Eating Five Tropical Fruits Portions Daily

Discover How Adding Tropical Fruits (such as those produced in the sub-medium Sao Francisco river valley – SFRV- in the regions of Juazeiro-BA and Petrolina-PE, Northeast of Brazil -) to Your Diet Can Boost Your Health and Well-being.
By Aécio D’Silva, PhD
 Eating fruit is not just about satisfying your sweet tooth. Fruits are an essential part of a healthy diet and offer a wide range of benefits that can help you feel your best. The recommended daily intake of fruits is five portions a day, but many people fail to meet this requirement. In this article, we will explore the benefits of eating five tropical fruit portions daily and why you should make it a habit.

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The Potential of Green Hydrogen for Decarbonizing Economies

How Green H2 is Expected to Play a Pivot Role in Decarbonizing Industry, Transportation, and Entire Economies
By Aécio D’Silva, PhD

The Potential of Green Hydrogen – The need for decarbonizing the world’s economies has never been more pressing. With the impacts of pollution change becoming more apparent every day, countries and industries are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. One promising solution is green hydrogen, which is expected to play a pivotal role in the decarbonizing industry, transportation, and entire economies.

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Innovating Business and Administration with Intelligent and Sustainable Technologies

A Vision of the Future in Business and Administration of Your Company
By Aécio D’Silva, PhD(1), Maécia Moura, MSc(2), Fabiano Moura, MSc(3)

Innovating Business and Administration – In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, companies need to continuously innovate to stay ahead of the game. That’s why more and more companies are turning to innovative, intelligent, and sustainable technologies to transform the way they do business. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the cutting-edge technologies that are set to revolutionize business and administration in the years to come.

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Revolutionizing the Manufacture of Life-saving Cell and Gene Therapies with AI

How Artificial Intelligence Can Reduce the Cost of Cell and Gene Therapies
By Aecio D’Silva, Ph.D., AquaUniversity

Cell and gene therapies are life-saving treatments for patients suffering from a wide range of diseases, including cancer, genetic disorders, and autoimmune diseases. These treatments offer the potential for a cure, but their high cost has made them inaccessible to many patients who desperately need them. However, recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) offer a solution to this problem.

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As We Age – Let’s Unleash Our Mental Potential for a Better and Productive Life

Discover the keys to feeling good, being successful, and adapting to aging with intelligence, innovation, and sustainability.
By Aecio D’Silva, PhD(1), Maécia Moura, MSc(2)
As we age, our physical muscles may start to decline, but the power of our mental muscles can continue to grow. By focusing on intelligence, innovation, and sustainability, we can feel good, be successful, and adapt to aging in a positive and meaningful way.

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Cell and Gene Therapy to Revolutionize the Treatment of Genetic Diseases

Cell and gene therapy is a rapidly growing field of medicine that has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of diseases. This approach uses cells or genes to repair or replace diseased or damaged cells, which can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life.

One of the main possibilities of cell and gene therapy is the treatment of genetic diseases. Genetic diseases are caused by mutations in specific genes that prevent the body from functioning properly. It is possible, in theory, to correct these genetic mutations through gene therapy, which can cure or slow down the progression of the disease. Gene therapy, in simple terms, uses a harmless virus to deliver a healthy copy of the gene to the cells that need it, replacing the faulty version.

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