Cell and Gene Therapy to Revolutionize the Treatment of Genetic Diseases

Cell and gene therapy is a rapidly growing field of medicine that has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of diseases. This approach uses cells or genes to repair or replace diseased or damaged cells, which can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life.

One of the main possibilities of cell and gene therapy is the treatment of genetic diseases. Genetic diseases are caused by mutations in specific genes that prevent the body from functioning properly. It is possible, in theory, to correct these genetic mutations through gene therapy, which can cure or slow down the progression of the disease. Gene therapy, in simple terms, uses a harmless virus to deliver a healthy copy of the gene to the cells that need it, replacing the faulty version.

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Electrolyzers – The Backbone of Green Hydrogen Production

Electrolyzers are a key component of many clean energy systems today. They are used to generate hydrogen for fuel cells, which are clean and efficient devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
Electrolyzers can be broken down into alkaline, PEM, and SOEC types. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, but all three are important to the development of clean energy systems.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how electrolyzers work and why they’re essential to our future.

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Everything else in life can be changed and improved, including our attitude?

Everything else in life can be changed – We all know that life is not a bed of roses. Nothing is easy, nothing comes free. Life can sometimes be downright unfair. But don’t forget that everything else in life can be changed and improved, starting with your attitude. Here are some simple but powerful reminders of the superpower to have a positive-creative attitude in your daily life – By Prof. Aecio D’Silva

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Why learn Python Computer Language, Now?

 Why learn Python? Python is a versatile high-level language, which means, Python is a language that was designed to be easy for humans to read and write code. Used by Google, Microsoft, Apple, NASA, ILM, Disney, and hardware hackers, Python is a versatile programming language and an ideal choice for beginners. Whether you are just creating a “Hello World” or a full-blown application, Python is the best option in the computer world to start as a computer programmer.

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Artificial Intelligence: Your New friend or Your Worst Nightmare?

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that is growing at an exponential rate. The biggest players in the world such as Google, Microsoft and IBM are investing millions or even billions of dollars into this technology, and they see it as the future. But is it really? A lot of people are concerned about what will happen if AI becomes too smart or if it takes over humanity completely. So, let’s look at what exactly artificial intelligence can do today so we can understand how we need to prepare for its impact on our lives tomorrow

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Global Business Systemic Thinking Management Techniques – How to Apply in Your Business

Business organizations are now more competitive than ever before, and they must operate in a complex environment with different regulatory frameworks, cultural norms, and societal expectations. This means that business leaders need to embrace a systemic perspective or view of the world if they want to succeed in today’s dynamic economic landscape.

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Global Business Systemic Thinking Creating Intelligent Solutions

Global business systems thinking is a way of understanding, seeing, and operating your enterprises with a global systemic vision. It means seeing your business as a system of interconnected parts where everything affects everything. Global business systems thinking is about seeing and understanding your business and the world as a web of interrelated parts, rather than as a sequence of events or isolated objects.

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How to Implement the PDCA cycle?

The ‘PDCA’ or Deming cycle, Deming circle/cycle/wheel, the Shewhart cycle, the control circle/cycle, or plan–do–study–act is a powerful strategy used in both business and life. It is an improvement process that can be applied to any system or process to help drive continuous creativity, innovation, and improvements. The PDCA cycle is based on scientific methods of problem-solving in manufacturing. The steps of the analysis part of this cycle are Plan, Do, Check and Act.

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Metagenomics Analysis in Aquabioponics Bioflocs Systems

Metagenomics Analysis – AquaBioPonics Bioflocs system, that synergistically combines aquaculture with bioflocs technology, algae cultivation, hydroponics, and water maximization use, is efficient aquaculture biotechnology to produce fish, shrimp, and organic vegetables. By adding a commercial probiotic to our systems, we observed improved productivity and significantly lower ammonia concentrations. We provide initial insight into the overall microbiome and the presence of nitrogen metabolizing bacteria present in these high-yield aquaculture systems.

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Resilient LAQL Management versus Six Sigma Way – The Results Make All the Difference

Embracing Adversity and Inspiring Change in a Volatile World by Applying Quality Enterprise Lean-Agile Management-Leadership or Resilient LAQL Management-Leadership
Aécio D’Silva, PhD(1), Fabiano Moura, MSc(2)

In our training courses, lectures, and consulting on continuous improvement and innovation as part of sustainable quality leadership programs, someone upfront always asks the following question:

“What is the difference between our Lean-Agile Quality Leadership System (Resilient LAQL Management), Lean Management (Toyota Way), and Six Sigma Management (GE Way)?” 

If a company, organization, or business is considering or reviewing the options for implementing a program of Continuous Improvement and Innovation, the first question that may arise is which technology to use.

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